Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ask a Scientist

After visiting Ask a Scientist I must say I am disappointed. I thought that it would have been a little easier for elementary students to use. I teach first grade and this would not be something I would suggest to my students. If I was teaching middle or high school, then I might have my students use it. However, I submitted my question because it was not answered already. Well, I am still waiting for a response. I figured that I would have had something by now. I did submit my question as a teacher though and not a student. I wonder if they answer faster if they know it is for a student.

I submitted the same question I posted on the discussion board, and was more pleased with the answers I received from that than what I am receiving from the scientist. I do not know if I have just gained the patience of my first graders, but if I were doing a major project on this and gave them 2 weeks to answer the question I do not think my project would do very well.

However, after looking through some of the questions that they did answer they seem to give a very through answer.


Howard Hughes Medical Institute. (2010). Ask a scientist. Retrieved September 26 from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,
    I found the Ask A Scientist website to be quite frustrating. I thought my question was pretty straightforward, but the search did not find an answer for me. Now several weeks into the future, I have yet to receive an email from a scientist.
